AI for Differentiated Experiences: Practical Applications of Custom Models

Jangwook Kim
7 min readJan 1, 2024

Custom generative AI models, driven by continuous technological advancements, offer personalized experiences across various domains, though they face challenges related to data privacy and transparency, but their future holds great promise in revolutionizing industries and improving individual lives, with the need for ethical considerations and regulatory guidelines.


The Fusion of Mind and Machine: Illustrating the Innovation and Complexity of AI Technology.

The advancement of Artificial Intelligence (AI) is fundamentally changing our daily lives and business processes. At its core, there is the presence of ‘customized generative AI models’. This technology goes beyond mere data processing and prediction, providing personalized experiences for users and bringing innovative changes to various fields. In this blog post, we aim to explore how these customized generative AI models are transforming everyday life and the business environment through practical application examples.

The Basics of AI and Custom Generative Models

Tracing the Evolution: The Journey of AI from Basic Algorithms to Advanced Neural Networks.

The Basic Concepts and Evolution of AI



Jangwook Kim

Korean, live in Japan. The programmer. I love to learn something new things. I’m publishing my toy projects using GitHub. Visit